2023 Kidding Season is Here...and we're here for it!
Our kidding season has kicked off and we're so excited to share it with you! First up, after many years of missing my old Lamancha goat, Waffles, (if you've been with us for a while you'll surely remember Ms. Waffola!) -we have officially ventured into Mini Lamanchas with the addition of Love Spell, Panda Paws, and a sweet buck named Dani. We purchased Love Spell within a few weeks of her due date and like a champ, she kidded right on time giving us triplets on March 30th, 2023. Mini-Gourd Camello (buckling), and Lois and Luna (doelings) are keeping us busy and entertained with all of their acrobatics and snuggles. Head over to our Instagram or Facebook pages to see the latest in adorable goat content!
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